We created this collection of study material to help all students while learning for exams, solving exercises and generally learning. We collect lecture material, summaries, protocols of oral exams and old/example written exams.
How do I get access to this collection?
The FSCE will always unlock your CIP-account for one semester and the following exam period. Requirements are:
- You have to be a student
- You need a valid account for the Computer Science CIP-Pool
- If you don’t have an account yet, you can easily create one here.
If you want your account being unlocked, just step by our office (Fachschaftszimmer). You can also just send us a mail to fsi-ce-helpdesk [at] fau.de with your CIP username and we will grant you permissions. (Hint: The username usually correlates with your IDM-ID)
Where do I find the collection?
The content is accessible from the Computer Science CIP-Pool in the folder /proj/fsice/Materialsammlung. After you got permission from us, simply type
cd /proj/fsice/Materialsammlung
on your command line to access the folder. The path has to be typed in completely since the folder “fsice” is only accessible by FSI members. Alternatively you can also use the symlink
cd /proj/fsice_Materialsammlung
You can access the data via one of the Informatik CIP-Pool PCs or remotely via e.g. SSH (Linux), FileZilla (Windows) or a comparable Software. We try to store the content of every lecture of the CE-curriculum, if something is missing please help us keeping the collection updated.
How can I help?
To keep the collection on a high level we will need your help: We need protocols of recent exams (written or oral), recent lecture slides and exercises to help other students. How you can contact us:
- In our office (Zimmer)
- The post box in front of the building. (please don’t forget to write the address on it and name the FSI CE, since it is a shared post box)
- Via email (E-Mail)
- Upload it on the folder “/proj/fsice/Materialsammlung/000_UPLOAD”
We are looking forward to your help.